Accommodation categories

Accommodation categories

Country hotels
More facilities and services and more luxury in comfort. All rooms have private/en-suite bathrooms and are better equipped. On-site bars/restaurants offering buffets and/or á la carte menus open year-round or summer only.

Bed and breakfast
Bed and breakfasts generally have a more intimate atmosphere. Guests stay in the home of the hosts or in a separate building on the premises. Rooms range from the more simple to the more comfortable with shared or private/en-suite bathrooms. Meals other than breakfast are sometimes available.

Self catering cottages or apartments
All cottages/apartments have cooking facilities and the necessary kitchen utensils and crockery for the registered number of guests. Duvets are supplied but guests rent the bed linen. A great choice for families or smaller groups.

Made-up beds or sleeping bag accommodation in ordinary-sized rooms (1-4 pers.) or in larger communal areas with a shared bathroom. Mattresses are sometimes provided when extra beds are needed. Breakfast is not included. A good value choice for those who are on a budget, prefer simple accommodation or who seek the company of fellow travellers.



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